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Eliminating barriers to equity, providing community-based supports and services for low income families, children, and adults.

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Philadelphia, PA


H.O.P.E, Inc

Housing, Opportunity, Purpose and Education

We are a grassroots, minority owned and operated community organization, providing relevant, innovative and creative community-based, client-centered, client-focused options to address the evolving needs and social determinants that disproportionately effect underserved and underprivileged populations.

Providing sustainable services,  creating equity and addressing social determinants.

what we do

Our offered programs and services


Know better do better is our soft skills grass roots campaign to reengage communities in attaining the skills needed in a changing and growing workforce...



We act as a community liaison for highly talented minority professionals linking them to organizations, businesses and corporations that could benefit from an underserved working class population willing to work..


We provide housing first services and offer properties in our inventory to individuals and families who have been displaced due to evictions, ejectments, financial shortfalls, disabilities and unemployed...

HOPE, Inc is a 501c3 tax exempt organization and a program partner of the Federation of Neighborhood Centers

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